Heroimage Section

One child. One hour a week. One life impacted.

You can change the trajectory of a child’s life

Our Strategy
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Serving Children

Children are Longing For a Mentor Like You

Want to make a difference? We make it simple.

8.7 million elementary school students are behind in reading. Each week in public schools, our volunteers mentor children, host a Bible club, and encourage teachers, so that children become better readers today, and discover hope for tomorrow.

Zack Nicholson

President and Executive Director
Why Minding the Gap?
  • Volunteers Mobilized
    150Volunteers Mobilized
  • Children Served
    700Children Served
  • Schools We Serve
    4Schools We Serve
  • Teachers Served
    250Teachers Served

Why Minding the Gap?

the achievement gap

We believe that the achievement gap is one of the greatest threats to our children’s future. Our programs work in conjunction with school administration, teachers, and parents.

8.7 million elementary school students are behind in reading

low income students are ten times more likely to drop out of school than high income students

$23,000 is the average salary of a person that does not complete high school

The Minding the Gap solution

Mentor Kids - to help a child academically, emotionally, and relationally

Bible Club - a church experience with worship, lessons, and fun games each week

Teacher Support - appreciation meals, school supplies, and encouragement

Our Strategy

3 Steps to Mentoring That Matters

We are looking for passionate people with a heart for the next generation. If you want to make a positive difference in the life of a child and change the trajectory of their life, then we want you on our team! Step 1: Connect and tell us your story. (Bold) Fill out the Volunteer Interest Form. We will email you a Background Check. (Italicized) Step 2: Attend our training session (Bold) We'll get you ready to serve, answer your questions, and equip you with resources. (Italicized) Step 3: See lives changed (Bold) As you connect with the kids and our incredible volunteer community. (Italicized)

Make a difference

In the United States over one million students drop out of high school every year.